I built my Egyptian pyramid out of a box. First Mum helped me cut four triangles from each side and then push them up to meet the point. I made a sand and pva glue mixture and painted the sides. Then I went out side and spray painted it gold.
The Mummy
I used one of my sisters old barbies and wrapped her in toilet paper. I made a sarcophagus out of some cardboard and cut it and folded to the shape I wanted. Then I created a collage to make my name in hieroglyphics and an falcon head “Qebehsenuef”.
and 5 cents for it to
take to the afterlife.
I also printed off pictures of jewels, treasures, and canopic jars and mounted them on cardboard to go in the tomb.
Written by Oliver Dean
28 February 2009
This is so awesome Oliver - well done!