Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Strange Little Creature

I was walking in the deep dark forest I could see a huge scraggily tree and a parrot coloured nearly every colour. It early in the morning and was misty. It was kind of warm and kind of cold.

Suddenly I heard a huge scream. I froze and looked around and there it was a small creature with head like a mouse, budgie wings, legs of rabbit, tail of a possum and body of a dog. I slowly walked closer and then I noticed its tail was stuck under a rock. When I came close enough I said “hello, do you want that rock off your tail?” I slowly took the rock off, as I took it off, spikes came up and it squealed.

I reached out to touch it, it liked me patting it. It felt soft like a pillow. It told me where it hurt. Its tail was bleeding. I picked it up and unzipped my jacket and put him inside. He wriggled a bit.

I took him home and wrapped his tail in cloth. I made him a home and a bed he said he loved it. I asked him what he ate. He said “Bugs.” I went to Pets Domain and got 10kg of slaters, beetles, spiders and other sorts of bugs. When I got back he was asleep. When he woke I filled a bowl of maggots and he ate them all.

The next morning I checked on him and it was alive I asked him if he would like to stay for ever and he said yes. I named him Squeak.
The End

By Oliver Dean

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